to split a large fasta file into several parts of same number of sequences split the large file 'uniref100.fasta' into 8 parts. The typical segment length is determined by finding the median length of the segment/subject reference sequences whose contig alignments have the highest bitscore. tail-n + 1001 largefile.txt > part2.txt get all lines starting from lines 1001 to end of file. Segment_cov : the number of sequenced bases in the consensus sequence divided by the typical length of this genome segment (as a percentage). Sequenced_bases : the number of nucleotide positions in the consensus sequence with sufficient depth of coverage (set by -D argument) and a succesful base call (e.g. Seq_length : the length (in nucleotides) of the consensus sequence generated by FluViewer Mapped reads : the number of sequencing reads mapped to this segment Subtype : HA or NA subtype ("none" for internal segments) Segment : influenza A virus genome segment (PB2, PB1, PA, HA, NP, NA, M, NS) Samtools is designed to work on a stream. It imports from and exports to the SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format, does sorting, merging and indexing, and allows to retrieve reads in any regions swiftly. The report TSV file contains the following columns:Ĭonsensus_seq : the name of the consensus sequence described by this row Samtools is a set of utilities that manipulate alignments in the BAM format. Headers in the FASTA file have the following format: >output_name_unique_sequence_number|segment|subject

via vcf2fq: samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa aln.bam bcftools call -c vcf2fq > cns.fq. A sorted BAM file with reads mapped to either the choosen reference sequences (align mode) or the assembled contigs (assembly mode) And then I found it seems two ways to generate the consensus sequence.A FASTA file containing consensus sequences for influenza A virus genome segments.Headers for these sequences must be formatted and annotated as follows: >unique_id|strain_name|segment|subtypeįor example: >MF599463|A/swine/Kansas/A01378028/2017|HA|H3 g : Set this flag to deactivate garbage collection and retain intermediate files FluViewer DatabaseįluViewer requires a curated FASTA file "database" of influenza A virus reference sequences. i : Minimum nucleotide sequence identity between database reference sequence and contig (percentage, default = 95) c : Minimum coverage of database reference sequence by contig (percentage, default = 25) q : Minimum PHRED score for base quality and mapping quality (default = 30) D : Minimum read depth for base calling (default = 20) m : FluViewer run mode (align or assemble) o : output name (creates directory with this name for output, includes this name in output files, and in consensus sequence headers) d : path to FASTA file containing FluViewer database (details below) r : path to FASTQ file containing reverse reads f : path to FASTQ file containing forward reads Custom DBs can be created and used as well (instructions below).
#Samtools get consensus sequences download#
Download and unzip the default FluViewer DB (FluViewer_db.fa.gz) from this repository.
#Samtools get consensus sequences install#

The order of lines defines the alignment sorting group. OPTIONS -a, -assembly STR Specify the assembly for the AS tag. The table below describes the available predefined tags in the header section of a SAM file: header line. DESCRIPTION Create a sequence dictionary file from a fasta file. Header section is denoted by the character followed by one of the two-letter header record type codes.